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ANZ KiwiSaver Calculator

ANZ Investments have an online calculator to help New Zealanders work out whether they are on track to meet their retirement savings goals.

(You don't have to be an ANZ customer to use it.)

The new calculator, on the KiwiSaver section of their website, works out the projected amount you could have when you retire, the amount you will need and whether you have a contributions gap.

The calculator then suggests things you can do to close the gap, such as making a lump sum contribution, or upping your regular contributions and the importance of taking advice.

ANZ Wealth Managing Director John Body said "We are now focused on getting people to think long term about their KiwiSaver investment and ensure it is on track to help deliver them a comfortable retirement."

"The online calculator is a great tool to help people identify whether they have a potential gap in their savings and what they can do about it."

Mr Body said that people should check they are on track once a year and whenever there is a change in their financial circumstances – for example, starting a new job or buying a house.

"It's all part of taking control of your life and your investments."

You can find the KiwiSaver calculator on the ANZ Investments website

KiwiSaver is operated by Bay Financial Partners Limited  and is not endorsed by, or affiliated with, the government or Inland Revenue. Bay Financial Partners Limited is using the KiwiSaver trade mark and logo under licence from Inland Revenue. To view the official New Zealand government KiwiSaver website, please click here.


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